Vivaha Sutram is a marriage software based on vedic nadi astrology for calculating probable date of marriage.
This marriage software is a revolutionary research by Acharyasree Pawan Chandra.
Find probable marriage period, when will you be married
A Solution to find your vivaha or marriage here with Vivaha Sutram
Study the periods of Marriage coming in your Life
Know period of Early marriage, late marriage (vivaha) in your life cycle with marriage software vivaha sutram
Provision to study Horoscope Varga Kundli and Dasha-Antardasha charts.
Provision for the study of the Gochar of the likely date of marriage.
Important landmarks in your life (date, month and year etc.)
A new look at the Ashtakoot confluence.
Provisions to print the results obtained.
Basic philosophy related to marriage and other related writings.
A vital write-up on the issue of matchmaking.
This marriage software provides you periods in your life when there are chances of your marriage.
Tested with thousands of examples, marriage software provides you most probable period of your marriage for all age groups. Even you are married and still searching for marriage, then you can search for late marriage, second marriage period also using this marriage software.